
Monday, May 14, 2012

Movin’ Mondays – Stamps

For a lesson in patience, we decided to try our skills at using stamps.  *wink*  Stamps are so messy and with two very willing preschoolers, it can take a lot of verbal communication to keep the process of stamping a clean and fun project. (If you can’t tell, I don’t like messy kids.  Haha!)  Needless to say, stamping can be really fun and a good activity to get kiddos into the crafty mood.

What’s your "Moving” activity to start the week?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Movin’ Mondays — crazy hats!

There is something about hats that seems to draw in children.  It’s as if wearing hats allows the preschooler the chance to be something different or to be somewhere else. None of my boys actually like to wear a hat for it’s real intent but they enjoy playing with them from time to time.  Plus, when you have silly ones like this, that makes play even more fun!
photo (1)

We have a basketful of ball caps and fishing hats in our hall closet (which is funny because none of us wear hats more than once a month or so!).  Instead of just letting them collect dust, every so often we pull out the basket and let the boys have at it!  They get so tickled seeing each other try out the different sizes and styles.  Some get stacked on-top of each other while others inspire them to suddenly act like they are out hunting or wherever their imagination may lead!

What’s your "Moving” activity to start the week? 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday Why's: reasons why we love Busy Bags...

Reason #59 why we love Busy Bags:
Knowing that my preschoolers are learning life skills without buying expensive educational products. Busy Bags are one of the easiest, cheapest, most effective ways to help them learn with hands-on tools! 

What are the reasons you like Busy Bags? What is your favorite activity for your child related to their age or skill-level?